The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is a research organization providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and public service. It has a scientific staff of 5,000, dedicated to advanced science and technology development, which create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society.
DTU has about 9,000 students who are educated to address the technological challenges of the future in Denmark, Europe, and the whole world. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government, and public agencies. DTU is a recognized University on both European and the World scale for the high level of candidates and research being created. It is ranked among the top European Universities in both research and education, and recent rankings indicate DTU is among the most international esteemed Universities, both in terms of foreign students and faculty.
The ConsenCUS project is conducted in collaboration with The Center for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE) at the DTU Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. CERE offers a high level of expertise within many generic topics from low TRL 1‐2 like thermodynamics, experimental pilot measurements of phase equilibria and physico‐chemical properties to high TRL 6‐7 for testing new knowledge through container sized unit which are applied at industrial sites. The experience with container sized plants is a main contribution to the ConsenCUS project, where DTU will design, construct, install and operate a demonstration plant at industrial sites. The major part of the activities are directly related to CO2 and gas cleaning in general. This has been an ongoing activity the last 40 years and CERE is now a group of approximately 60 researchers and technicians. CERE maintains a close collaboration with a dedicated industrial consortium consisting of 25 national and international members.