
ConsenCUS Communities seek to work together with the communities to understand the concerns and needs of community members regarding the project’s industrial innovations, and CCUS development more generally, as they develop over the course of the project. These will include local perceptions of economic diversification, employment opportunities, learning and skills development initiatives, and environmental and societal risks and benefits. We seek to sample perspectives from and engage with a range of social groupings, amongst all members of the community, including marginalised and socially vulnerable groups such as ethnic minorities, young adults and the unemployed. We will also draw on the perspectives of commercial organisations (emitters and non-emitters) and employers, as well as local government representatives, elected officials and practitioners responsible for areas such as planning and permitting, transport, employment and education, health and well-being. The work conducted by ConsenCUS Communities will provide a key holistic interface between the project and those living and working within the demonstration sites and wider industrial clusters.

Community events

ConsenCUS Communities will conduct 4 community events over the course of the project within each of the developed clusters in Denmark, Romania and Greece. Further information will follow in due course.

Communication and engagement

To facilitate engagement with the local communities, ConsenCUS Communities will operate social media channels where we will provide relevant information from the project and the community events. We also aim to make the social media channels a platform where a range of different community perspectives on the project will be given a voice, no matter how they may view the project and the technology.


ConsenCUS Communities are focusing on engaging with people and organisations that might be influenced by the ConsenCUS project. We want to hear from a range of different people and organisations to learn more about their views and perspectives on the ConsenCUS project and CCUS technologies.

ConsenCUS Communities are focusing on engaging with people and organisations that might be influenced by the ConsenCUS project. We want to hear from a range of different people and organisations to learn more about their views and perspectives on the ConsenCUS project and CCUS technologies.

Our focus is on listening and understanding people’s perspectives on the ConsenCUS project no matter what those perspectives may be. Although we receive funding from the project sponsors, our role is neither to promote or critique the particular technologies involved in the project.

Our role is not to support or criticise the technologies. We want to hear about your perspectives and experiences as they relate to CCUS and the ConsenCUS project.

Our role is not to support or criticise the technologies. We want to hear about your perspectives and experiences as they relate to CCUS and the ConsenCUS project.

In the first community event, we hope to inform you about the project, and we want to start learning more about your particular concerns and perspectives. We will start by having some of the project partners explain the technology and what the project is about. Then there will be activities where you can engage and interact with the project partners and the other community members. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and raise any concerns you may have. We hope that your feedback from our first event will help guide the following events and our wider community engagement.

In the first community event, our main focus is providing some basic information and start to listen and learn about your perspectives and experiences. The outcome of the events will help us shape the research so that it might be more useful for the communities impacted by the project.

Yes, you do not have to have any technical knowledge about CCUS or any other related technology to participate. You will be able to learn more about the technology at the events and you will also be able to ask any questions you may have to the experts of the project.

By participating in the project, you will be able to learn more about CCUS and help shape the conversation about the impacts it can have on your community. You will be able to share your thoughts and opinions with the researchers and the wider community which we hope will inform wider regional, national, and EU policies and considerations related to CCUS and communities.

Feel free to email us your thoughts, concerns, ideas and anything else you think might be relevant at