The British Geological Survey (BGS, is a world-leading geological survey and global geoscience organization, focused on public-good science for government and research to understand earth and environmental processes. It’s the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge to help society to use its natural resources responsibly, manage environmental change and be resilient to environmental hazards. BGS vision is for a safer, more sustainable and prosperous planet and a future based on sound geoscientific solutions.
BGS’s challenge research areas are:
– Environmental Change Adaptation and Resilience
– Decarbonization and Resource Management
– Multi-Hazards and Resilience
In the ConsenCUS WP4, BGS works to:
– quantify experimentally the mechanical and physical properties of rock salt samples in simulated relevant storage conditions, both for reservoir (salt caverns) rocks and caprocks (seal);
– address knowledge gaps relating to potential micro-damage to caverns and caprock with potential severe upscaling consequences.
– test and compare performances between halite and porous rock reservoirs in the context of CCUS through quantifying measured elastic and transport changes and mechanical solicitation along predicted stress paths relevant for different scenarios.
– determine the impact of thermal and mechanical perturbations induced by CO2 storage, on defect development in the rock systems, through modelling studies.
– lead storage site partners in developing their monitoring program for the CO2 storage in saline aquifers, along with their risk and safety assessment required for storage licence.