On Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th of October 2021 the ConsenCUS partners met each other in a full-packed productive two-day meeting. Despite the hurdles of travelling in COVID-time, 30+ persons attended the meetings, with more followers via digital channels.
The first day was devoted to a Technical Workshop from the “CO2-capture” workpackage. WP-lead WETSUS, with contributions from Heriot-Watt University, Zhejiang University (China), University of Calgary (Canada) presented the progress of one of the key-elements of the ConsenCUS project. A new innovation that captures CO2 out of Flue Gasses of industries, by taking only electricity and water.
Also the integration with the second innovation of partner COVAL that enables the conversion of the captured CO2 in a usable chemical molecule named Potassium Formate- as well the testing of these techniques at our three industrial sites in Denmark, Romania and Greece was discussed. The demonstration, that is led by the Danish Technical University (DTU) is the third key-element of the project.
The second day was full of updates on the different workpackages that support the new CCUS techniques into becoming fully accepted and viable solutions to lower co2 emissions and becoming more sustainable.
Next to the program the team found room to visit the laboratoria of Wetsus, where at any given point in time 30+ PhD students work on water related research in the field of energy, sustainability. We learned about the city centre of Leeuwarden in a guided city tour and visited the premises of Entrance – centre for energy transition of Hanzehogeschool and Energy Academy Europe where new sustainable energy techniques are tested in real-life setting.